04 June 2011

A New Development

Hear ye, hear ye! My dream to ONE DAY be a teacher is just one step closer.


(Be happy...)

A few days ago, something arrived in the mail. Betcha can't guess what it was.

Imma ruin the surprise - it was:

*drumroll please*



I can now officially (and legally) teach in the state of Arkansas. The next step now is to get my license transferred over to just about any state I want. Rather, just about any state that will let me. Still hunting for teaching jobs, but it's early in the summer so I'm still hopeful.

But yes, I finally passed that last pesky PRAXIS II exam and am an official licensed teacher! All I need now is a classroom and a bunch of kids willing to tackle me and my obscure and ridiculous personality.

Anyone wanna hire me on the spot?

Here's hoping :-) and thanks for listening.

Until next time, folks!