10 May 2012

Brand. Spanking. New.

Wow! I can't believe it's been almost a YEAR since I had anything to update on.

Since I'm actually writing something, you're probably guessing I have an actual update, right?


After I received my teaching license last June (2011), I hunted hard for that special place to call "home" (read: my very own, brand spanking new classroom). 

But, alas, it didn't come... :-(

 You can imagine that I was SUPER bummed and beginning to wonder if ANYONE would give me that first chance.  It had been 2 years since I graduated college.  I mean, really?  Was it supposed to be this hard finding a job?

I scouted jobs for the next few months after school started, but nothing promising. I applied for several out-of-state teaching licenses (none of which have been completed yet... oops!) and continued my search.

Along came January of 2012: 7 months from my WEDDING DAY! (That's right, my boyfriend proposed and we're planning a wedding!  Whee!!!!)

We needed to find jobs quick. I did everything that I could to locate the place that was waiting for me. I Googled, I emailed, I filled out hundreds of applications, I sent out many, many resumes, the works! Fiance and I were looking outside of our hometown for jobs for the both of us and decided that whoever was offered the first job would be where we would go.

We were NOT looking in Arkansas.
Weird, because that's where I'm licensed... You would think that would be the first place I'd have looked.

BUT, one day in April, I noticed a job posting on a teacher forum for a teacher in Arkansas.  I said, "What the heck?!" and sent in my application.

They called 2 days later.  EEEEEP!!

After HUNDREDS of emails, applications, and resumes, someone FINALLY took notice! They called me on a Friday. They interviewed me that next Wednesday, and HIRED ME a week later!


They loved me so much, they gave me my first pick :-D
(Seriously - the principal told me that after I left the interview, he and the members I had interviewed with could NOT stop talking about me.  Best. Feeling. Ever!)

I am (almost officially) the brand new 9th Grade World Geography teacher in a small town in Arkansas. Wahoo!!!
Now to sign the contract...

Who knew small town life was our first stop :-)

Geography is a subject not new to the school, but, in the past, had only been offered on a semester basis. I get to teach the first class of Geography for a WHOLE YEAR!

Brand new teacher. Brand new course. Brand new students to high school. Brand new city. Brand new relationship status (by that point). Brand new EVERYTHING!

I feel truly blessed.
I couldn't have gotten here without the support of those around me. My family and friends, my co-workers and neighbors. None of you realize how wonderful it is to be surrounded by such a wonderful collection of thoughts and prayers.

And I can't forget every single teacher that I've had that has helped inspire me to become who I am.


You mean the world to me - I hope I can follow in your footsteps.

Thank you all for your support and encouraging words. 3 years well spent :-)

I hope to be posting on a more regular basis now that I actually have a CLASSROOM and STUDENTS to teach! I would greatly appreciate words of wisdom and encouragement. This is going to be a tough year, but I know I can make it through.

Keep coming back for more juicy classroom talk!
And crazy moments - because I'm sure there will be plenty of nights I want to pull my hair out.
