Oh boy. That was interesting, to be sure.
If you missed the juicy details, read the previous post to be filled in. If you know what's going on, please continue reading.
I'm moving on either way. So, here we go!
My cooperating teaching came back on Tuesday and we discussed the incidents of the previous afternoon. Needless to say, he was appalled at the behavior of his students and took care of them right after we discussed it. Later that day, in 8th period, one of the students who had been misbehaving the day previous came up to me and apologized for his actions, hoped that I hadn't taken what he had said as disrespectful, and apologized again. I told him that yes, I did take it as disrespect (you would too if you he had made the same comment to you), but that I accepted his apology, and asked him to please not do it again because I don't want to have to be the bad guy all the time, etc. He said he wouldn't do it again, I thanked him, and we left it at that. I didn't smile because I wanted him to know that I meant business, that I wasn't playing around, and what have you. I hope that was right... If I did anything wrong, all you education people should guide me on how to do that better the next time.
The other student didn't say anything and I was okay with that. But my cooperating teacher took care of the class and they were much better towards me the rest of the week.
Moving on!
That was Tuesday. Wednesday, I did more lecturing (as I had the previous day), graded papers, and mostly observed. That was probably the least exciting day. I'm usually more busy in the evening getting ready for the next day than I am during the day. Is that normal? I thought during teaching you were going to be busy all day and all evening. Seems to me the days are less stressful than the nights. Oh well, it gives me more time to plan during the day. I like it.
Thursday, I took over a second class - 3rd period. So, now I am responsible for 16 more children's education. Ain't that fantastic?! We did a "Getting to Know You" exercise where I had them all tell me about themselves again and then I made them do a map quiz like the other class. They had 15 minutes to get all 50 states and several bodies of water as well as as many capitals as they knew. Only about two people got to the cities. Most of them didn't read the directions, which means I can put hidden stuff in their directions to make sure they read them all!! They need to get into that practice. Haha! I'm so mean... :-D
They'll get over it.
Besides the directions, they also need to work on their maps. Big time. It's unfortunate, but I don't think it's in the state standards that these kids need to know where the 50 states are in high school. Several of them told me they did this in Jr. High, but that was about 4 years ago. Not that the states have changed since then, but it's important to review it. By the time I leave, I plan on having these kids know the U.S. backwards and forwards. States. Capitals. Bodies of water. All that good stuff.
Today, I had the kids watch a video about Lindbergh. All but one of the classes had started the video. So, since I have two of the U.S. History classes now, I had them take notes on the video and told them that since we don't have time to actually talk about Lindbergh (and because I just love him and the beginnings of aviation) anything in the video would be up for grabs on the test. They moaned, but that was it. I took it up for a completion grade. Those that missed will have a short report to do (I'm leaning towards a 1-page, double-spaced report on Lindbergh) for their completion grade because they can't make up the movie. They don't have time. So, if they're present on Monday, they will have an assignment to do. Isn't that wonderful?! I'm sure they love me.... or they will eventually. Or maybe not. That's not the point.
I'm giving them a grade. My first one!! Woo!!
That was the extent of the day pretty much. Oh, that and I caught two girls passing a note and I told everyone in 8th period goodbye with a smile. I want them all to know that I really don't hate them. So, I said goodbye with a smile and they all said something. All of them :-) It might be slow progress...
So far, I have most of my lesson for Monday and plans for the rest of the week. That makes me so excited. I have to start writing the test and I can't wait! Woo! Writing my first test for a grade. That's such an awesome feeling. Hard work put to good use. It will be chock full of directions, maps, matching, fill in the blank, multiple choice, short answer, and maybe an essay. I haven't decided yet. I don't know if they're prepared for that much writing on a test. They're used to having everything handed to them pretty much. I want to break that trend. I want them to work for their grade. I hate worksheets - I can find something better for them to do for a grade. They may be doing a lot of writing for me, but that's great practice, since they don't get to do a lot of that as far as I know. If they do, they aren't used to writing in history class. And they can use all the English practice they can get. Poor kids... I feel really sorry for them. I only want what's best for them. As long as they understand that.
Next week will be another adventure in the making. I have my first observation on Wednesday and I'm SOO nervous!!! But I'll get things to work on and that's always good.
I'm all about working on things.
Anyway, that's all for this past week. I hope the next week will be just as exciting. I'm sure it will be.
Until next time!
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